Roger Kenny

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Roger is an artist, developer, writer, and can play several songs on guitar from memory. He's been called "Really cool" by Rony Abovitz. Roger's kids think he's funny.

He has worked at some of the most recognizable names in business journalism, publishing award-winning content in print, video, web, mobile, virtual reality, augmented reality — pretty much every visual medium except interpretive dance, though he is not opposed to trying it.

He is a data visualization expert, and spatial computing luminary. He has done animation for The Red Hot Chili Peppers world tour. He ran shows with a group of wild poets in New York City, from the Bronx, to Manhattan, to Brooklyn. Roger created one of the very first iPhone games. He's published an underground comics and humor magazine. Attempted to create a sentient pixelart bandito. Produced one of the most respected podcasts about comic book culture. Published an art book in Second Life. Has had paintings featured in art shows.


Roger started in the graphics department at BusinessWeek Magazine at fifteen years old. There he learned color correction, photo illustration, and data visualization. Later on he bootstrapped the digital photography studio there, and pioneered the use of Maya to create graphics and illustrations.

In the later BusinessWeek days, he joined the video department where he pitched and designed production for the ASPBE award-winning The Business Week video podcast. Those were some really great times.

At The Wall Street Journal interactive graphics team he revolutionized the way charts were created and published for the web by building a suite of charting tools for editors and journalists. He cut his teeth on live election graphics, and fun web projects like World Cup matchup generators, and serious projects that let you explore user generated content from the front lines in Syria. He created Wall Street Journal's first video game (The Federator starring Ben Bernanke), first 3D printable chart, first augmented reality chart.

In 2015 Roger created an interactive web-based VR project for, leveraging Three.js and WebGL, that took users on a ride along the Nasdaq stock index like a roller coaster. That project was massively successful and brought him recognition in the immersive journalism world. It won the Online Journalism Award for Excellence and Innovation in Digital Visual Journalism.

As the Head of Innovation Technology for Dow Jones he worked with Nonny De La Peña's studio Emblematic to launch the WSJ VR app for Google Daydream with a penthouse environment designed by Michaelis Boyd, and first-in-kind live stock data visualization. The app also included a bespoke branching video player developed in conjunction with LiquidCinema. He evolved the market data visualization several times for Google Tango, then iOS ARKit, and Android ARCore. When Magic Leap launched, Roger created a completely reimagined stock data visualization with a new layout designed for mixed reality, purposeful tools and features, and an animated timelapse of the daily ups and downs.

Contact Roger on LinkedIn or Twitter